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The investment strategy focuses on selecting stocks with solid economic performance, stable market sentiment, and potential growth opportunities.
1. RSI 5 Day (insignificant): With an RSI value of at least 34.49, stocks are not considered overbought or oversold, indicating a balanced market sentiment.
2. Quarterly Net Profit Margin (moderately significant): Stocks with a net profit margin of at least 1.62% show strong corporate earnings, making them attractive investment options.
3. Monthly Revenue MoM (insignificant): Stocks with a MoM revenue change of at least -13.02% may not be ideal for investment due to potential revenue decline.
4. Close Daily Change Ratio (insignificant): Stocks with a daily change ratio of at least -1.40% may indicate volatility and uncertainty in the market.
5. Break Out 5 Day MA Bias Ratio (insignificant): Stocks breaking out above the 5-day moving average with a bias ratio of at least 0.00% may not provide a clear signal for investment decisions.